Thursday, November 19, 2009


How can it be that we continue to allow the few to control and have dominion over the many. When it comes to THE most important issue of our time... "our heath." We seem painfully gullible. There are many conglomerates out there throwing enormous sums of money at lobbyist and paying for television time to distort the truth, engender fear and misrepresent our position as it pertains to health care reform and the need for a fair and competitive market to regulate the renegade behavior of these sleazy insurance monopolies that are costing US our lives!
Our word and will should carry the preponderance, after all we are the many.

We have been marginalized and tyranny has felled us at the hands of power brokers in Washington D.C. and Wall st. - who quite frankly, could care less if we live or die, as long as this life or death doesn't affect their bottom line. You cannot be "fooled" AMERICA. YOU CANNOT ALLOW THE POOR OR OTHERWISE DOWNTRODDEN TO DIE needlessly because it is not cost effective for some insurance company to provide appropriate coverage for the necessary care....this is an atrocity! You have to show; not only your savvy, but also be astute in matters that affect your quality of life.

These politicians and their cronies; some of which, have a racist agenda and are espousing sentiments that indicate they "must take back America" as if someone came in through the night at fleeced it from their grab....this is code talk for the old confederate, old Boy's network keeping the system amenable to corruption, denigration and exploitation of the powerless. This cannot be allowed to perpetuate and we must act now! Call your Senators and representative and leverage their vote for health care reform WITH the public option! They mustn't too, be allowed to compromise a stipulation that would fly in the face of ROE V. WADE AND IMPACT A WOMAN'S RIGHT TO CHOOSE.