Sunday, February 3, 2013

Who, What, How and why are WE?

How is it possible that a race of people reside on a planet but know not of the origin of their very own  existence.  How can it too be that these people  not know the origin of the universe from which they emanate.  How again, could  they even not know the emanations of that universe that has given them this life. Why is this existence such a mystery.  Did we once stop and coalesce thought to even  infinitesimally approach the fundamental proposition of who the fuck we are. Do we as a result of our individual ethnicity represent then individual alien races. The images that reflect back at us in the mirror are they mocking the ignorance of our ignominy?  I am, but know not who, what or why I am. A cruel fucken joke! We know only that we are human,  but will only be able to define what human is  accurately when faced with a non human entity,  non animal entity or some variation thereof. There  seems to be signs all over our planet. The pyramids seem to be in their similarities strategically placed around the globe to indicate some commonality of design. And one could extrapolate that then also there is some connective tissue representative of energy fields between each pyramidal geometric relative to each individual structure. This would allow one to believe that upon activation these pyramids act like machines spinning on its axis emanating, deriving and consolidating power from the cosmos. Earths troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, magnetosphere  and exosphere provide the ionized material through which the conductivity occurs. The Pyramids strategic locations around the world are indigenous to Earths matrix. This grid creates a tremendous emanation of  energy that will catapult the planet into the next dimension or at least next galaxy. I do believe the function of the pyramids are like that of the kabalistic merkaba engendered with respect to the Hindu chackras and   kundilini.
This will usher in a new evolution of change in consciousness. Blast off!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

His greed is boundless

Check it out!  If you want to grow an economy or promote it's resurgence ...Enslave the workforce! Lol!
Slaves don't get paid...they get emasculated and humiliated.
Take a gaze at the big picture: ...union de-certification, employer sovreignty, state dictatorship, repealing of the constitution, militias, religious conscription...the individual is somewhat of an endangered species. Entrepreneurship is the last freedom. We need ideas. His greed is boundless!

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