Wednesday, March 9, 2011


War is a continuation of politics...unending. Politics is a continuation of economics....unyielding! Please understand that oil (fossil fuel) has been made to be a foundational material in this world. There is soon to be no more oil! Zero! Things don't break up" they "break down! Cars, machines, containers, some electrical energy, tires, paints, clothes, building materials "ad infinitum" are made from oil! Only solar and wind energy; which only sustains societies in its immediate proximity, is the only survivable form of energy for our population! - Please believe me and prepare! If you want to drive a car- collect recyclable plastics, burn them, convert them back to the petroleum they originated from and "FILL IT UP! You'll probably be able to idle for 10 minutes because the infrastructure will be a mechanical wasteland, not unlike some movies we've seen with vehicles littering the main thoroughfares, so much so, making auto transportation impassable. Food, water, shelter is invariably becoming scarce as wages wane, employment dwindles and everyone is brought relentlessly to their knees...but don't pray nigga! Learn to work land, buy seeds; seeds will become your new currency, as money (fiat money) is near obsolete now and of no value, except for fire accelerant later. Look at the Cuban model. Egalitarianism, small communities, tribes, agriculture, back to'll be fun! Government has fucked us! Greed has made us inhuman! War has destroyed our morality. Awaken, enlighten...AMANDLA! BELOVED!

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