Sunday, December 5, 2010

Civilization, Architecture and Collective Mentality

My philosophy is something you won't be able to fully appreciate until you focus less on the material and contribute more of your vibrational patterns towards the ethereal. Think in terms of the prevailing evolution of human leadership. Now marvel as you gaze upon the architectural symbolism representative of your civilizations technological advancement... the quanta endeavour. Gain perspective for what motivation is impetus for ideological politicism, the goal of your civilization and the very best of collective human intellect.
I then encourage you to juxtapose this direction against the socioeconomic backdrop and how it relates to the known mission statement of your country...the American dream perhaps?
Is it a clear representation of the overall conditions under which you are tethered or a clever marketing strategy? Does it make allowances for poverty, deprivation, debt, discrimination, mis-representation and the discernible dynamism between ideology and reality? Is there a chasm? A disconnected population of which there is under representation for the largest, most burdensome member group upon whose backs the economic gravy train is being forged? Sure it is! This is the American dream.
The hopes and aspirations of the many that worship an immaterial God, juxtaposed against the backdrop of the esoteric, cabal GOD that is quite material and is inter woven into the dynamism of their currency that reads "IN US WE TRUST" worshiped by the few whom control the many.

As you endeavor my political anagram construct find the pattern that re-occurs pursuant to your specific set of circumstances. Do you constantly re-live agonizing despair or reoccurring intermittent fulfilment, while other sects of society seem to experience re-occurring stability?

Now, superimpose this empiricism on top of what you have been taught institutionally. Examine its residual effects on your beliefs and how this sub set of ideas fundamentally limits your inquiries and what you are willing to challenge and accept. If I'm correct what is beginning to materialize; obviously as a result of your investigatory processes, is that you realize YOUR ENTIRE LIFE IS BEING GUIDED AND FORCED FED TO YOU BY A MEDIA DRIVEN SOCIETY THAT FRANKENSTEINS YOUR PERSONALITY. A grim picture!

Use this formula to calculate the equation that when theorized will provide you with the epiphany that your existence is being orchestrated, controlled by subliminal means as a conspiratorial drama designed to placate your concerns while inflaming your fears, thus puppeteering your every thought and reaction. This allows your adepts, prefects and handlers to decipher, predict and implant your thoughts and emotions to slavishly respond to whatever is the dependency focus of the day..

When you control so many basic aspects of human physiology and psychology there is a collective dividend on human psychiatry that your tormentors use to attack your ability to be free, of course in the true sense of the term as they have very cleverly created a "reality" running concomitantly with "reality." The former being illusory for the benefit of your appeasement, servility and acquiescence....I think!
This enlist your full participation and cooperation; many times your violent defense of your complete and utter consensual domination/exploitation /ignorance.
The rules we live by, the constitution we pledge allegiance to, our system of government and sense of nationalism have all been injected like Turkey marinade by salesman, shysters and marketeers whom have your best interest as the least of their concerns, but your ability to sustain their diabolical masterstroke chief.

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