Saturday, December 4, 2010

Polemicism V. Politicism

On Dec 1, 2010 3:44 PM, These mf%$# are really crazy!...Because they must think I'm crazy. The republicans serve only the interest of the corporatist; the 2% of the richest people in this country and abroad... and they're not trying to hide it from you, just
veil it in a quasi reverence of tone..."no tax increases for anyone"... When really, the tone should be: "tax increases for anyone making over $250,000.00 yearly income" and then, those whom are in the lower tax bracket should not have a tax increase at all...for many years to come! "Y'all better get hip to the game.
" They're trying to hit you with the "okie doke" and you might go for it if you're not "up on the game." The game is as intricate as it is simple. The game is: brake the poor man and give his meager wind fall to the rich, but make it seem like some distorted duty. As if some calling to rescue the union beholden to the least able to sustain the burden...Funny huh?
The spin is "because the rich produce the industry that supplies the poor man with an ability to make a wage... and this in turn spurs economic growth, that then begets economic prosperity and sustainability without which we would plummet economically"... "Cry me a fuc en river with that Bullshit! "
If you want to spur economic growth, allow the wage earner to produce quality goods and services. Pay him an incentivize nominal fee to do so. Don't restrict his earning power by stifling or minimizing his creative contribution. Refrain from over burdening him with disproportionate, usurping taxes on his check, instead tax the corporation he works for... proportionately. This allows him to engage in consumerism. This practice of "tax liberation"affords him the opportunity/ability to go out and buy the quality goods he produces, which infuses the system, which instills market confidence, which creates a demand for the supply, price for profit and ultimately enhances the quality of life; as you have more money to acquire "the dream."...and this!...and only this promotes economic growth!...Don't be fooled.
Should we decide not to tax the 2% you should brace for a stagflation, as everyone will focus on essentials and hoarding what little they have for the "rainy day."
The proper taxing of the corporatist will bring down the federal deficit by re invigorating the governments coiffures with enough revenue to address 65 percent of the 18 trillion dollar borrowing tab we owe mainly to China. You see the corporatist have been holding the American people and the white House at gunpoint. They say if they have no idea of the coming tax structure they will be less inclined to hire. If they don't hire, an already 9% unemployment rate extends beyond the point of viability and our ability to pay that exorbitant amount in unemployment benefits continues to elevate spending thus ballooning the deficit.
We all know big business can solve this entire crisis, by 1-paying their share of taxes and 2- creating innovative industry 3- producing a quality good or service and 4- hiring employees to efficiently produce, distribute and retail these goods and services.
All these things inspire Americas greatness and re-establishes our currency as the international standard bearer note. This resurrects economy both GNP and GDP.
So now, ask yourself why then won't they do it? Well, you have a Washington outsider in the oval office. He's a democrat; which is usually poison to Corporatist; according to the GOP... and he's Black! Oh, did I mention he's black and confederate republicans are historically engrossed in legacy and will watch this country do a full gainer before they allow a black President to be viewed as anything other than a bungling N@$^&(!
So the game is leverage your interests against the American people under the guise of politicism when it really is polemicism and obstructionism because the ball has to roll the GOP way and be representative of the "ole boys network"...which is ransoming the American peoples' prosperity and future while the richest 2% of Americans are safe and secure in both prosperity and future.

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