Saturday, December 4, 2010

Message to Adam,
In his present position the President has no choice but to compromise; for his disposition wouldn't allow him to be venal. To do otherwise would be to play "chicken" with the lives of the American people and our economy; a political suicide.
The Dems are reticent and have also jettisoned his politics for attempts of trading their support for political capital ransoming liberal support and interest against common sense, again, leveraging the American peoples future and economy against politicism. Let's hope he can make gains in other areas, (i.e. middle class taxes, dream, jobs etc.) by offering a short term acquiescence. We have to back his vision because, quite frankly, the only way he gets re-elected is to augment social security, Medicare, Defense, and raise taxes; all of which are inevitable. It is a sad truth, but hopefully, while making these unpopular decisions we can make gains in policy, balancing the budget, foreign debt and creating jobs.

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